International Students





1+2+1 SINO-US Dual-Degree Program


First-year students can apply for the American universities. After being admitted, 1)undergraduate students take the second and third year's courses in America, and return to China for the fourth year's study. After graduation, students get bachelor's degree respectively from both universities. 2)post graduate students take the second and third semester's courses in America, and return to China for the rest study. After graduation, students get graduation certificate and master's degree from both universities.

First-year undergraduates and first-year graduates

University of Calgary(Canada)


Students study at SWPU for two years and go to study at UCalgary for another two years. After graduation, students get bachelor's degree respectively from both universities.

second-year undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, Geology, Geophysics


After successfully applied, students study in China for three years and go to University of Calgary study for two years. After graduation, students get bachelor's degree from SWPU, and master's degree from University of Calgary.

third-year undergraduate students majoring in petroleum engineering, civil engineering

University of Alabama Huntsville (USA)


Students study in SWPU for two years and go to University of Alabama Huntsville study for two years. After graduation, students get bachelor's degree from both universities.

second-year undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering, computer science and civil engineering

Technical University Clausthal


students should take preparatory study include Germany and other correlated curriculum in SWPU(during the senior year), then go to TUC for further study. After graduation, students get master's degree from TUC(master of science).

junior and senior students in relevent majors

Abu Dhabi Petroleum Institute(PI) cooperation project

joint training program for graduate students

Students finish the first year's study in SWPU, then go to Abu Dhabi Petroleum institute(PI) in United Arab Emirates study for two years. After meeting the requirements, students get graduate diploma from PI; then, return to SWPU to finish the master's dissertation, and get the master's degree from SWPU.

master's students majoring in petroleum engineering, petroleum geology, mechanical engineering, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, telecom and chemical engineering

Ulyanovsk National University exchange student program

selected to study abroad

1.undergraduate students from the first year to the third year go to Ulyanovsk National University to exchange for a year; senior students in SWPU to pursue master's degree in Ulyanovsk National University; third year master students to get a second master's degree in Ulyanovsk National University.

eligible students from Russian Department

SWPU with Ufa National Petroleum Technology University exchange student program

selected to study abroad undergraduate or graduate students in SWPU to exchange in Ufa National Petroleum Technology University for a year;
2.students are exempt from tuition and accommodation fees during the program
3.students should meet the demand of language first.

students majoring in petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, resource exploration engineering

SWPU with Volga Waterway Transportation University exchange student program

selected to study abroad undergraduate students majoring in Russian to exchange in Volga Waterway Transportation University for a year, students should choose non Russian majors;
2.students are exempt from tuition and accommodation fees during the program;
3.students should meet the demand of language first.

eligible students from Russian Department
