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SWPU Held Freshmen Athletics Games

On October 21st, Southwest Petroleum University held the Freshmen Athletics Games. The undergraduates of Grade 2023 participated in the competition in a high spirit.

The athletes were divided into two groups; Group A and Group B. Freshmen from the School of Physical Education belonged to Group A, while those from other schools Group B. The competition events include 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500 meters, and 4 × 100m relay, shot put, high jump and long jump.

After a day of fierce competition, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the Petroleum Engineering School, and the School of Electrical Engineering and Information won the first, second, and third place respectively in the total score of the women's in Group B, and the Petroleum Engineering School, the School of Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Civil Engineering and Geomatics won the first, second, and third place respectively in the total score of the men's in Group B.

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